- Good(s) once sold can be exchanged or returned subject to the condition/s of the said goods and subject to the approval/satisfaction of the Company.
- Good(s) are sold on a as it is where it is how it is basis and is the responsibility of the client to check all Good(s) well to their satisfaction before the delivery driver leaves or else a transport fee of Rs.100 will be deducted on return or exchange of good(s)!
- Any installation/other cost agreed upon delivery will be deducted on the return or exchange of good(s)!
- Official receipt must be returned to the company upon any return or exchange of goods or failing which no return or exchange can take place!
- The Company reserves its right for any final decision for return of product and the issue of full or partial refund
- Warranty period will be mentioned on the invoice with our official stamp/seal and return/exchange of good/s will be refunded pro-rata depending on the time lapse the said goods have been used by any Customer
- Goods damaged/scratched during mounting or unmounting will be partly refunded or not accepted at all depending on the condition/s of the good/s
- Picture of ID and signature of Customer is required on any credit transaction, due date will be as agreed, failing which the Company reserves all its legal rights to refer unpaid credits to its Legal Department for proper legal action/s for recovery.
- In case of non-satisfaction of any product/good, same may be exchanged only once or subject to the approval of the Company, at most twice on exceptional circumstances.
- Warranty void upon misuse, circuit damage, overheating, fire, water or explosion.